Hygienic Practices
At Lotus Care we are committed to providing a safe space for our clients and therapists. We are committed to the 3-step-framework for a COVIDSafe work place. The following details our commitment, conditions of entry and our certifications.
Our Commitment
We are committed to providing a safe space for our clients and therapists which includes the following:
Regular/ ongoing sanitising of highly touched surfaces.
Providing antibacterial/ sanitiser for clients.
The use of personal protective equipment such as face masks and gloves.
Single use disposable bed coverings for highly touched surfaces.
Keeping in-step with the 3-Step-Framework for a COVIDSafe Australia/ work place.
Conditions of Entry
In step with the above, let’s be sensible:
Wash your hands.
If you have any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, tiredness, fatigue or a runny nose, please stay home and reschedule your appointment.
Our Certifications